Friday, September 26, 2014

Flour riots

Hello how are you doing, my name is Eddie Lopez. The "flour riot of 1873" was a terrible situation
Seeing the situation as an outsider you can tell that riots is where it was heading. They were overcharging for an imported resource flour. We are all use to inflation in the 21st century but the price jump was ridiculous. Flour jumped from 7 dollars a barrel to 12 dollars a barrel. The jump was too much for the people.At the end of the riot the People threw all the flour on the ground so no one could have it . This could have been so easily avoided.People don't have a good history of making good decisions in groups but when the Average Joe feels like he is being taken advantage of he will react. Greed was essentially the cause of these riots because they did not need to occur. Supply and demand why could they not buy in bigger quantities and sell for a lower price? They would have easily made a great profit if the flour demand was that high.Why did they did not see this coming?

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