Monday, November 17, 2014

I firmly believe all of the texts me have reviewed are connected through their theme. They all talk about something that affects us greatly. Social Darwinism is my favorite topic out of everything we've covered . From the flour riots to even mayday we can see social Darwinism in how situations are being handled.Social Darwinism is a twist on the Darwinist principle of survival of the fittest. It connects to our everyday life's. Who's allowed to be in charge who does what. There is always an underlying message those with money have more power then those without. All riots were a power struggle between the rich and the poor.
The Destruction of Gotham and the Caesars Column reminded us just how differently the poor are portrayed then the rich. The poor almost treated like another species. Gordon My  last example even feels less of a man because he lacks the ability to provide. Lacking the one thing in modern times that makes a man a man.Gordon's lack of funds show how unfit he is to survive  there is a way things are the upper class lives another life.Social Darwinism explains who gets to be rich and who stays poor. All of our content just puts it into perspective.